I would like to start by not comparing apples to apples as I have decided to try pet rollers versus multi-surface rollers. My comparison photos show brand new, unused rollers: the blue/white one on the left is a Bissell multi-surface roller and the green/white one on the right is Jiusion's favorite roller. They both feel soft and the bristles are almost identical. However, you may find that Jiusion's pet roll is a bit fluffier compared to Bissell's new multi-surface roll. I don't have a Bissell pet roll to compare. These Jiusion rollers clean floors just as well as the original Bissell rollers if not a little better as I think a little more fluff is better as they wear and smooth out over time. I've noticed that Julian's rolls take an extra second of force to engage, but it really doesn't matter. In place, it appears to rotate normally but doesn't snap like the Bissell brand. Replacement filters work just as well as original Bissell filters. They are washable and reusable. The brush tool is also included but not required. If I notice any changes I will update my review but due to the price difference I feel these rollers and filters offer the same cleaning power as the manufacturer rollers and they are part of the cost. I recommend as these pet rollers are even cheaper than most other replacement rollers.