Use on: iPhone 12 Pro with screen protector. First things first: the packaging: the packaging was professional and packaged just like Apple products, very professionally done, and the stylus and accessories inside were protected. Second: - Ready to use: It was ready to use straight away without having to charge it. The product itself comes with a stylus charging cable, make sure you have a connection box. It also came with a soft top. The instructions are clear and easy to follow. Third: accuracy. As you can see from my photo I can work with her. I'm currently running Procreate Pocket on my phone and I got this stylus for that. I have tried the Apple Pencil and I have to say that for the price of this stylus it is extremely competitive and gives the Apple Pencil an edge for the money. This stylus is just as accurate and the fact that it can be used on the iPhone 12 Pro is a huge plus. Conclusion: This stylus is definitely worth the money, it competes with Apple's stylus and works just as accurately. The packaging was perfect. It's slim, feels comfortable in the hand, and holds a charge for a long time. I will be ordering an iPad Pro soon and will be testing out this same stylus once I do. So far I'm very happy with this purchase and looking forward to using it in development.