Unfortunately, I have to state that I am very dissatisfied with both the quality of the product I bought and the customer service I received after making the purchase from Qoope's online store. To begin with, the quality of the item I got was terrible. It looked nothing like the picture on their website. The item was flawed and did not perform as advertised. I tried to contact customer support, but they were unhelpful and clearly not interested in fixing the problem. In addition, their support staff was unhelpful. It took me hours to get through to a representative on the phone, and once I did, they were useless and didn't seem to care about helping me. Despite Qoope's assurances that they employ a team of specialists who are committed to delivering premium goods and outstanding service, I found neither to be true in my dealings with them. I have no interest in recommending their services or goods to anyone. In general, Qoope's web shop is a huge letdown. They sell low-quality goods and provide awful service to their customers. If you want to prevent hassle, you should not use their services.