The manufacture date, which is printed on the packaging, is listed as December 2022. It's too bad they couldn't find the check; I would have gladly given it back to them. Has pros: - Navigation through folders (music are organized into folders, however you cannot navigate through a complete folder at once); - I was able to read a 32GB card without any issues; - when turned on, it continues to play from the same moment of the same track on which it was stopped (although you do need to go to the "music" option from the general menu); - when a folder ends, it continues to play the next one; - the presence of a clip for attaching it to clothing; - the presence of a clip for attaching it to clothing. It may not be an incentive to buy, but I have to state that it is enchantingly gorgeous to the touch and that it is, in a word, "my prelessssst." Its cons: The most upsetting aspect is that I already want to send it back because of these reasons: 1. The music will cease playing after you leave the menu; 2. The radio reception is dreadful, to say the least. He doesn't stop hissing all the time. I tried a few different pairs of headphones since I believed the problem might be with the antenna, but it had no effect. Checked in a variety of neighborhoods across the city. The rest is inconsequential. - when switched on, it is always in the main menu, and not in the area on which it was turned off, - you can't scroll through the entire folder, only one track at a time, or you can go to the menu, and the music will stop (this enrages me), - you can't scroll through the entire folder, only one track at a time, - you can't scroll through the - Inscriptions that aren't necessary take up half the screen, - sorts folders according to the most recent modification date, - does not consistently display track titles. It recognizes the item in the list, but it does not play it back while it is being played. I have not yet figured out what factor it depends on.
KEiiD Деревянный ретро CD-плеер с Bluetooth, FM-радио, USB AUX-входами, динамиками и регулируемыми басами/высокими частотами для домашней стереосистемы и бумбокса.
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Gamepad GEN GAME X3 Bluetooth, black/red
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Почувствуй полное наслаждение музыкой с CD-бумбоксом Sony ZSPS50B.CED - воспроизведение через USB и аудиовход включены!
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СИНГИНГ ВУД Бумбокс Портативный Bluetooth
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