The only reason this wasn't a full 5 stars was the sizing variance when selecting these helmets. Several brands face the same problem where their size chart doesn't match their actual helmet. The last helmet I bought in this price range I chose the middle one and I couldn't fit the helmet at all. This time I made a big one (I'm nowhere near tall) and it fits perfectly. I highly recommend going one size up when choosing. That complaint aside, the helmet feels great and looks cool. One thing that struck me right away is that the inner padding doesn't feel as cheap as my previous helmet in this price range. Other brands tend to use a soft-touch material that grabs and pulls at the temples and sides when the helmet is removed. This helmet uses a smoother inner lining with no mesh. It's very comfortable and a nice change from what I usually see. The sun visor is sturdy and easily accessible, the vents at the top open and close easily, and the chin guard is solid. You can tell the helmet is built to really take a hit and there's a lot of quality behind it. The presentation of the box and packaging was not bad either. It really made me feel like I didn't buy anything cheap even though it was under $100. Will it be as good as an expensive $350 helmet? No way. Does it protect you in case of an accident? I have a feeling it has to happen.
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