This is a great bag for the money. Not the best bag, but you'll be hard pressed to find anything close to the price. Remember, you're paying $20 for something that a well-known company is charging around $100 for. If you're expecting an expensive $20 bag then just be ridiculous. The magnets are not as strong as shown in the listing, to be honest the magnets are cheap at port shipping, I would suggest getting stronger ones before doing any tricks. The zips seem to be good and there is plenty of storage space for things like wallet, phone, smoking accessories, paperwork etc. If it blows up in a week I'll update this. I just bought this to see if I wanted a tank bag for my old KZ750 before spending money on a branded one. But honestly, if this one didn't fall apart, I wouldn't replace it. *** UPDATE *** Well, the magnets held up well. Comes with a strap that can be attached and the flaps can be folded down so you can carry it like a (men's) handbag. Tons of storage, really. I ride my bike to work and it has completely replaced my travel bag. The thing is great. The only problem is the transparent phone case. Don't use it as a phone case. The sun will roast it like an oven. Find something else to paste there.
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