This battery has been a bit of a pain, twice. With the first battery I received, I followed the discharge/recharge instructions exactly. The battery wouldn't recharge. I followed the instructions exactly again with the replacement I was sent. The new battery did recharge, but only to 87% the first time. Over time, it charges to a lower and lower capacity - now it maxes out at 82%. I kept the second one because it was inexpensive and does power my laptop for a few hours. When this one stops working, I will order another brand.
Chesona IPad Keyboard Case With Multi-Touch Trackpad, Backlit Keys In 7 Colors, Pencil Holder, Dual Bluetooth Channels, And Flip Stand, Compatible With 10.2-Inch IPad 9Th/8Th/7Th Generation (Black)
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Power Up Your Lenovo Laptop With A 65W Charger: Compatible With Thinkpad T460, T470, T540P & More!
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Get More Done With Laptop Docking Station Dual Monitor And 9 In 1 USB C Hub Multiport Adapter
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