I like that agra is an online platform where you can upload your product photos as well as track inventory in real-time without having any physical products around! The app doesn't seem very intuitive for someone who has never used it before (like myself). If this was more user friendly then there would be less issues of uploading pictures incorrectly but if all goes according plan we will have better photo tracking capabilities soon once our new software engineer gets his hands dirty. Would love some sort feedback from other users regarding their experiences using AGRA so far - especially since i'm just getting started!! This app is very user friendly as it allows you to connect with other farmers through their network of growers in your area or country-wide. The only thing I would like to see improved are notifications for new posts from users that have been added into my profile list. Also the ability to add multiple photos per post which can be beneficial when sharing pictures related to our business activities such as crop production etc..