That's a real, honest wire! It's made of copper and looks absolutely 100% natural (I'm pretty sure it's made without hormones or antibiotics, but I'll admit I'm wrong). And it conducts electricity! Enamel coating - well, real enamel! At least as far as I can tell. (Maybe it's fake enamel, but it's insulating and I can't tell real from fake enamel.) Is this a great product or what?
BNTECHGO 34 AWG Magnet Wire - Enamel Copper Winding Wire - 2Oz Spool Coil Red For Transformers And Inductors - Temperature Rating 155℃
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⚡️ TEMCo Copper Magnet Wire for Efficient Power Transmission and Magnet Wire Applications
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🔥 Top-rated BNTECHGO AWG Magnet Wire Transformers: Unleashing Optimal Performance
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Enameled Copper Magnet Wire - BNTECHGO 24 AWG - 3.0 Lb Spool - 0.0197" Diameter - Temperature Rating 155℃ - Ideal For Transformers And Inductors
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