I bought the Merrill Moab 2 Vent Mid hiking shoes because I thought they were perfect for hiking the Grand Canyon. The boots didn't actually need to be broken in, but I didn't know that and wore them almost every day for about 6 weeks to get fit for the canyon. The boots became so untied that I had to lace them up fairly tightly to keep my toes from catching on the long sections of descent. Before going to the Canyon, I replaced the Merrill insoles with aftermarket insoles and baked them in the oven. It worked really well and the Merrill shoes were incredibly cool, extremely comfortable, had some support for my ankles and protected well on sharp rocky surfaces. I've traveled from canyon rim to rim and also made top-to-bottom detours. All in all, with hikes in the Pacific Northwest and Arizona, I now have about 600-800 miles of sometimes very rough terrain in my Moabs and consider them my most comfortable boots. They're terrible for wet areas so I bought a pair of waterproof Merrills which I'll review when I get enough experience with them. There are more expensive shoes on the market but I wouldn't trade Merrills for them if my feet are my goal. Comfort. Overall I'm surprised I like them so much as I usually struggle with foot problems. Merrill will be my summer walking shoes until they disappoint me or I find something better. I have boots that cost twice as much but I just don't wear them.