I am happy with these shoes. They are a mixture of sneakers and casual loafers. The outsole is very similar to a running shoe, with a good tread pattern for traction. The overall impression is more reminiscent of loafers with a leather upper. True to size, which is a good contrast to modern shoes (usually too small). In terms of length, they fit very well. They're a bit wider than I'd like, especially since they don't have laces to tie them. My heel lifts a bit when I walk when I wear thin socks. The fit is more secure when thicker socks are worn. The overall comfort is excellent. The sole was a bit stiff at first, but wore in well. My only comment is that I would have liked the outsole material to be a bit softer to provide better traction on wet, slick surfaces. It's not a slippery shoe on wet floors, but it doesn't offer as much grip as I would like. 4.5 stars rounded up to 5 because the overall looks and comfort are pretty good, especially considering the price.