This is exactly what I was looking for in the docking station. Video, network and some USB ports. Then, with a simple USB-C connection on the front, it goes straight to my computer and I'm plugged back in and getting back to work. It's that little cube that won't take up any space on your table. There's no need to have a huge, expensive dock with a bunch of stuff you barely use and take up space. We recommend getting a 1ft Revain Basics USB-C cable for a quick connection to your laptop and a clean look so your desk isn't cluttered with cables.
Versatile 7-in-1 USB C Hub Adapter: Compatible with MacBook Pro, Windows, Chromebook, Dell XPS, Thunderbolt 3 and More - Includes 4K HDMI, 3 USB 3.0, SD & microSD Card Reader, and 87W Charging
11 Review
Satechi Aluminum Multi-Port Adapter 4K HDMI, USB-C Pass Through, Gigabit Ethernet, SD/Micro Card Readers, and USB 3.0 for 2020 MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and iPad Pro (Space Gray)
14 Review
2021 NexiGo USB 4 Port Ultra Slim 3.0 Hub - Multiport Extension, Ideal for iMac Pro, MacBook Air, Mac Mini/Pro, Surface Pro, Notebook PC, Laptop, USB Flash Drives, Mobile and More
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Smartphone Samsung Galaxy S10 8/128 GB, Dual nano SIM, mother-of-pearl
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Apple AirPods Pro MagSafe RU Wireless Headphones, White
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Renewed Logitech G PRO X Wireless Lightspeed Gaming Headset with Blue VO!CE Mic Filter for Immersive Gaming Experience
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💻 Get Amazing Video Quality with Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 (Discontinued Edition)
83 Review
Smartphone Samsung Galaxy A50 4/64 GB, 2 SIM, black
82 Review