If you're like me and you want what you pay for, look no further! The quality of these bags is by far the best I have ever used or seen! These are compact trash bags, so they need to be able to withstand pressure and not burst. They're a very thick material, but it's still stretchy enough to fit over a trash can. None of these bags have ripped and I've been using them for about a year now. They last so long because they fit so much! I use them with my compact recycle bin or alone. Many times I've just walked around in my garden or the surrounding area and used these bags and I've been using them for about a year now. Many times I've just walked around my yard or neighborhood using these bags because I know I can fill them up with no problem! The perfect size for a trash can inside! I will buy them forever. $20 for 100 bags and they will last so long! Please note: the orange laces will break if you don't even try to remove them from the bin. Remember to apply pressure slowly and evenly when lifting out of the press container to prevent this. Most trash compactors have levers that can be opened to allow the trash bag to be easily removed. Good luck with your search and hope this helps someone!
150 Count Reli 33 Gallon Black Heavy Duty Drawstring Garbage Bags - Large 33 Gal
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250Pcs Eco-Friendly Compostable Paper Plates & Cutlery Set - Disposable Biodegradable Utensil For Party, Camping, Picnic (White)
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50-Pack 8β X 12β Mylar Bags With 300Cc Oxygen Absorbers And Heat Sealable Rounded Corners - Free Long-Term Food Storage Guide Included.
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Glad Press'N Seal Plastic Food Wrap - 70 Square Foot Roll (Package May Vary)
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Portable Rechargeable Electric Spin Scrubber For Household Cleaning - Ideal For Bathroom, Kitchen, And Windows. Power Scrub Brush For Bathtubs, Sinks, Tiles, Grout, And Stove Cooker.
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20 Foot High Reach Duster For Cleaning Kit With 5-12Ft Heavy Duty Extension Pole, Sturdy Extendable Microfiber Feather Duster, High Ceiling Fan Duster, Cobweb Dusters, Window Squeegee Cleaner Kits
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Dunlop SP Sport Maxx 050 235/55 R17 103Y summer
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Effortlessly Clean Hard Floors With DEERMA'S 360Β° Rotation Spray Mop - Includes 8 Microfiber Refills And 350Ml Water Tank
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