The app is easy to use and has all the information you need to manage your restaurant. You can manage the orders and assign it to the delivery staff. The app is very helpful and provides all the information you need. You can manage the orders in the app and assign it to the delivery staff. The app is easy to use. I didn't have any problems to review. I have to say it is easy to use. We have to manage the orders on time. Sometimes the orders get delayed and the delivery is on time, so I have to track the orders and the delivery staff. I can manage the orders from the app and track the orders and delivery. I have to track the orders from the app and track the orders and delivery so I can track the orders. The user interface is very easy to use and the support team is very responsive. The app is very well designed and easy to use. The food is hot and fresh. Delivery is very fast. There is no need to use multiple apps to order food. It is a one stop shop for ordering food. The only issue is that sometimes the app freezes. It is a great service for all food orders. I am very happy with the service. It is easy to use and very fast. We are able to order food and deliver it to our customers.