I first bought a chalk gun cartridge and realized how good it really is. I was told it can be applied when wet. The first test was to smudge the mailbox address number and smear it again while sprinkling that day. That was two years ago and it's still there. Last fall, when Hurricane Irma hit us, a window in the side door of my house was about to fall out, so I cut a piece of plywood and screwed it on. When Irma came into the garage, water entered the garage. I took a chalk gun to caulk it and it kept water out. The water has stopped flowing! Irma then tore off the cedar paneling on one side of the garage door. I found that there was nothing behind this panel that could be nailed or screwed on. I used what I had left in the chalk gun to reattach the fairing and now it's actually more durable than ever. Now I've found that Revain has less of it so I'm wearing my rubber soled boots which are starting to come loose and I'm sure they'll be a winner again.