Extremely useful to help with my elderly father.Couple of issues: the string loop for hanging the call button goes through a small channel in the case, under a very weak plastic web. That web broke when my father pulled on it the call button, and he lost the call button, so he went several hours through the night needing help without getting it. After that incident, I modified all the call buttons to make the connection strong (unscrew the back, rout the string around one of the screw mounts, and then screw the back on again).Other issue: the description shows a 120V plug-in version for the alarm module, but what I received was a battery operated model. That is convenient for moving it around different places, but it leaves me never knowing for sure when or if the batteries will run out at a critical need time. So far, after a couple weeks, it's been working great, it's a life saver.
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