A few months ago my vacuum hose clamp stopped working. Whenever I tried to use the hose, it fell apart. Having never successfully repaired anything, I was seriously thinking about what I did to my last hose when it happened: glued all the pieces together. But since I keep changing the end of the hose, I knew it wouldn't work this time. So, in my desperation, I did a quick search and found exactly what I needed. I have ordered a Rainbow clip for an E series vacuum cleaner. When the box arrived I put it aside for fear of having to fix something mechanical. When I couldn't avoid cleaning the house anymore, I got out the clip box to see what I could do. Replacing the clip was so easy! I simply pressed the tab and moved the old one, then slightly squeezed the new one and inserted it into the hose. It jumped right in place and worked great! While I'm a little disappointed that I lost my excuse not to clean the house, I'm glad I have a vacuum that's sticking together again. As C-clamps are prone to failure over time I am very glad that this replacement set includes 3 clamps. I should be good for quite a while now. I also feel pretty strong. I could just dig up this box of new cell phone batteries I ordered a few weeks ago. . .