Before buying, I read the reviews and I have to say that I disagree with the hazel grouse regarding the operation of the device. Okay, not everything is intuitive, but the instructions are clear and easy to follow. You only need to learn a few commands to be able to cope with everything. I don't plan on testing it in the water as I don't think it's waterproof but would like to know just in case. I need a longer strap so I can wear it around my neck and maybe tuck it into the waterproof material. If you want to read the depth, you need to connect it to a transponder. Bit pointless, you could also have a special tool. What he does, he does very well. It even has a timer when you start a race. Try it on a 5 minute pistol and you will have an accurate start. I think the world map Garmin uses is pretty old and inaccurate! I wondered why my GPS said I had left the main road, but actually I was on it. The reason for this is that an airport was built on the site of the road - quite a long time ago! I hope the special maps are more accurate.
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