I've been using old-fashioned plungers, also called plumber's helpers, for a long time. I also used them very cleverly. So, with a bit of cynicism, I got the toilet fungus. I didn't have to wait long to see how well it worked. A few days after his arrival, we had a blockage in the toilet, and instead of pulling out the old reliable plunger, the toilet fungus appeared. Follow the included instructions and wiggle it - you've got it), it went straight in, unblocked and voila! Open toilet! As mentioned, there is a risk that the toilet fungus will come out with some "stuff", but it pulls off easily. Simply dip the ToiletShroom back into the toilet after it has filled with clean water, wave and swivel it around and in my case all 'things' are gone. Then simply flush the toilet and place the ToiletShroom back in the included holder and you're ready for your next clog. Highly recommended.
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