I returned these shoes so I can't comment on their durability. 4 stars are based on a thorough examination of the shoe's construction, stitching and overall appearance, including approximately 5 minutes of wear and walking on carpeted floors. They were good and I really wanted to keep them. The return wasn't a big deal as anyone who's honest knows Revain offers hassle free returns so shouldn't leave a 1 star pain, woe betide me, but that's my opinion. This shoe is way better than others I've had. can easily be seen at 15-20 dollars more expensive. 1 star deducted due to sizing issues. I've worn 11D's for most of my adult life and have not seen complaints from a significant number of haters about the shoes being too big, from those expressing their dissatisfaction with adjectives like crap, junk, garbage etc. I've always paid significantly more for shoes because you really get what you pay for. When my legs hurt, everything that makes me a miserable son of a bitch hurts. Shoes are like building, whether it's a bungalow or a bridge: If you go cheap and make compromises on the foundation, problems will inevitably arise. And sometimes these problems are catastrophic. I bought these shoes because I have a friend of considerable wealth who wears and loves his Sketchers. By the way, I've never met anyone who doesn't like their sketchers, and besides, Howie Long, who can afford pretty much anything he wants, tells me what wonderful sketchers they are every time I turn on the TV.