I love this timer. Works great. And now that I've been away from home for a few weeks, I could leave the Christmas tree and lamp on, safe in the knowledge that they'll turn on at dusk and turn off at dawn. I didn't get the remote with mine, and I'm pretty sure I didn't order the one that came with the remote, so I was surprised when I saw the question. The timer was very easy to set up and connect. It was worth the money for the peace of mind I had and the lack of energy it took me to bend down and crawl under a tree to plug and unplug at 66. I highly recommend this product. Arrived quickly, well packaged and in excellent condition.
β° 7 Day Heavy Duty Digital Programmable Timer Outlet - Dual Electrical Outlet Timer with Two Independently Plug-in Grounded Outlets Switch, 8 ON/Off Programs - 3 Prong Timer for Light Lamp Fan - 15A/1875W by BN-LINK
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Plusmart Outdoor Digital Timer With Waterproof Light Sensor, Dusk To Dawn Control For Electrical Outlets (3 Pack + 6 Inch Extension Cord, 1/2HP)
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π Fosmon Dual Outdoor Timer Outlet - 15A 24-Hour Mechanical Light Timer with Water Resistance, ETL Listed, Heavy Duty, 2 Grounded Outlets, 7-inch Power Cord - Black
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UL Listed Plusmart Outdoor Power Stake Timer With Wireless Remote Control, Photocell Light Sensor, 6Ft Extension Cord, Switch, And 3 Waterproof Grounded Outlets With Cover
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π‘ Electronic FL Ballast ICN-4P32-N (Formerly ICN-4P32-SC) for 3-4 F32T8 F40T8 F17T8 Lamps, 120V/277V Compatibility
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