The pulse can be measured quite accurately if you take the readings three times in a row and average them. If it wasn’t for the trouble with the connection, everything would suit me, but now the bracelet is almost useless :( Different pros: It sits well on the hand, practically does not interfere. While there were no problems with connecting via bluetooth, it allowed me not to miss calls and SMS. It was the case, at the gas station, I left the phone in the car, went to this booth, where you need to pay, the distance to the car is ten meters, plus the wall, and so: the signal went through all the obstacles and the bracelet showed that a message had arrived. Protection at the level - I bathed with him, and washed the dishes - nothing at all :) Quiet alarm clock that wakes up only me (and sometimes my wife). Additionally, I use the alarm clock as a reminder - very convenient. The alarm clock can be safely delayed - the bracelet itself understands whether I woke up and will definitely wake me up again in ten minutes. Cons: First, the pulse is measured very inaccurately. For an acceptable measurement, you need to freeze straight completely and not move at all - but even then it happens that it shows something horrible, although rarely. If you move, it is almost guaranteed to show the value from the bulldozer. Secondly, after the last ate, it became disgusting to keep in touch with the phone: after a successful connection, after a minute the connection is lost and can no longer be restored until you turn off and turn on bluetooth on the phone again. It became impossible to run with him: during the run, the phone does not see him and does not receive any signals about the pulse and steps. Maybe the problem is with the phone, because the phone is just disgusting, but before the ate there were no such problems.
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