These bags are perfect for your college kid who wants to carry so many things and there isn't enough room in the car for all those suitcases. The size is quite large i.e. duffel bag size and it is light enough not to bloat when packing when you use it for that. These bags are used for my kid's dorm room and he can hide them under his bed and when he gets home everything is back with no problems. The zippers are very strong and there are handles on both sides for easy picking up and storing in the car. There is a see through window so you can see what's inside without having to re-open it and all the bags stack very well. I would recommend buying these for your college kid, your athletic kid and to be honest they really are great for all kids. (and family too).
Heavy Duty Commercial Grade Clothing Garment Rack With Top Rod And Shoe Storage, 45.7 X 15.7 X 57.1 Inches - Black
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Portable DIY Metal Wire Pet Playpen, Ideal For Guinea Pigs And Puppies - LANGRIA Small Animal Cage And Fence, Black
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2 пакета складных крупных сумок для хранения размером 28 х 20 х 12 (Д х Ш х В) дюймов для одеяла, покрывала, одежды с прозрачным окном и ручками - легко подходит для комплекта одеяла размера King - организатор для шкафа или кровати.
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3-Pack PRANDOM Большие стопочные контейнеры для хранения с крышками: декоративные коробки для шкафа, гостиной и спальни (17,3X11,8X9,8").
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CleverMade 16L Collapsible Plastic Shopping Baskets - 3 Pack, Charcoal - Foldable & Reusable With Handles For Easy Storage
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MaidMAX хранилище контейнеры 12X12X12, для домашней организации и хранения, игрушечное кубическое хранилище, органайзеры и хранилище для шкафов, с двумя пластиковыми ручками, черный, набор из 6.
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TerraKing Leaf Bag XL - Heavy Duty Material Collection System For Ride-On Lawnmowers - Fast & Easy Leaf Collection With Nylon Bottom (Fits 3-Bag Hood) [ST95033]
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Set Of 3 PRANDOM Foldable Linen Fabric Storage Boxes With Lids - Collapsible Bins For Home, Office, Closet, Nursery - Organizer Containers With Covers (14.9X9.8X9.8 Inches)
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