These are pretty cute casual water shoes. The outer fabric is made of thin nylon, which is good for water sports because it does not retain water. It has a lot of stretch, so it's suitable for walking by the pool or on the beach, but not for running or exercising. Like many cheap water shoes, they are not very comfortable over the long term due to the thin, unpadded nylon upper. I would have preferred a smaller size as you probably won't be wearing socks with it. I usually wear size 11 shoes, but size 10 fits well here. Elastic quick-release buckles work great. The outsole has excellent rubber grip and deep treads. There are only 12 small holes in the sole for water drainage. It's not much, so it might take a while for the water to drain if you're soaked. I would not buy these shoes if you are constantly in and out of the water. I have other open waffle water shoes that let the water through much better. The insole is removable, which is actually a disadvantage as it tends to slip when putting on and taking off the shoes.