My item arrived slightly leaking (10 drops max) as described by others. But be that as it may, there was plenty of that magical oil in the bottle. I used it to completely restore an Italian leather handbag that I wanted to give away. And then my buddy used it to repair his work shoes. After a handbag and 10 pairs of shoes, we still have 3/4 bottles left. And everything looks amazing. The bag looks like new, the color has not changed. The shoes look new and only the lightest shoes have been darkened but they have darkened to a rich patina making them look amazing and even like a completely different pair. I had my doubts about the color change reviews but got to the point where I was willing to take the risk. And I'm so glad I did. I haven't seen anything better on the market. Anything else will either go away after 24 hours or leave a severely foul aftertaste. This product is second to none and a keeper in our house!
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