They use docker to deploy containerized infrastructure as code solutions that can be rapidly created through our CI/ CD pipelines. This allows us rapid deployment of features into Production without having people in DevOps spend years building out such systems from scratch (it's hard). Their management console looks simple enough; it has some nice graphs you might want if your team wants metrics about their fleet size etc - I guess this could also have something like Nagios plugins? But my only concern so far if they're not solving problems we identified during PoC testing with them! Support availability was always really fast compared to other providers too which helped keep momentum when working remotely while trying things at scale :) Our main challenge now isn't technical but more operational e.g., how do manage deployments over many teams who each build different components across multiple services within large orgs? The ability to have multiple environments in one system (Dev/QA/Prod) with minimal effort. Easy to use GUI interface as well as API's. Also, it has very easy integration with other tools like Jenkins or TeamCity which makes life easier for developers when they need to deploy their application across various servers/environments. I would say there are not many features that can be compared but overall everything works fine. Deployment of microservices using docker containers.