These are very large heavy duty plastic bags. I would never throw them in the trash, they have too many other uses! When we go camping they hold gear and keep them waterproof, they work well as under bed storage bags for clothes you might want to wear again one day etc. If this size is too big you can roll up or trim the top. out. Cable ties are great for long-term storage. Another use is a rain poncho. It's amazing how useful a plastic of this strength can be in a home or garage. They make great dust covers for equipment or machines that can be cut to fit a backpack full of gear. I've recently learned that dust stiffens your pack's material as it ages, so I'm hoping our modern bags will stay flexible longer than they could be sitting in a garage. If you use them for garbage, they are strong enough. to stash a nice pile of junk without the usual ripping and ripping of stuff you get at the grocery store. The 3 mil spec that guarantees this is a measure of thickness. Bags in supermarkets range from three-quarters to 1.5 mil, and of course they're much cheaper and usually smaller, sometimes with drawstrings. A 42 gallon bag can get very heavy when full of leaves. Imagine a 50 gallon keg to estimate how much weight it can weigh when it's full and you're right around the corner. Keep a supply of zip ties to seal these bags.
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