I recently built a detached garage next to my house. When running the ground wire for this new garage, I forgot to run an additional signal wire to connect the smoke/CO2 sensors in the house to the sensors in the new detached garage. If there was something going on in a detached garage, I wanted to hear it in the house too. After some research I found these wireless bridges from BRK/First Alert. My required distance was within the 50 feet listed for this model. Luckily my other gear was already a BRK/First Alert. This made everything compatible with these wireless devices. This wireless smoke detector also features wired connectors to communicate with both wired and wireless models. After installation, the two radio modules in both frames connected everything together. It was a great fix for the wire I forgot to run. Aside from being wireless, they work in the system just like other models. Note: I will provide advice I found through trial and error. After the installation, I tried several times to program and connect the signal of my two radio modules according to the instructions. After several unsuccessful attempts, I tried something else. I pulled the two wireless sensors out of the sockets on the ceiling. I placed them side by side on the table and followed the programming instructions, using only the internal battery. It worked great the first time I tried it. I then reconnected the already programmed alarms to their connectors on the ceiling. After that the whole system worked perfectly. (See attached diagram)
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