I bought several goods from this seller at once and I had these for about three days until the rest arrived. This faceplate is more comfortable with an appropriate set of switch settings. I wouldn't recommend buying it alone. Don't underestimate the difficulty of the installation either! Complete disassembly of the docking station is required as the front panel cannot be removed until the motherboard, USB-C mounting hardware, and green LED are removed. It's not as heavy as the Joy Con shells, but more difficult than swapping out the Switch shell. Considering the complexity and utility, consider whether a decal/sticker set would be better. This set includes two black screwdrivers (shown). This is the only extreme product I've ordered (out of seven or eight) that came with these screwdrivers. I like black screwdrivers better. Regardless of which one you get, be careful not to remove the screws.