I have been using this Dyson for over 2 years and only now have I had to replace the fluffy strips as they are so worn they no longer roll. I spent about an hour taking them apart and swapping them out. I had very high expectations because I removed them very carefully and put them back correctly. The tutorial video and toolkit were the icing on the cake. Everything seemed perfect! I left it alone for 24 hours (very hard for me because I usually vacuum twice a day. The first time I hit the floor it was sticky and not smooth. Once around the house and the fluffy stripes were flattened out and looked just like the old ones I had 2 years old. The photos provided show brand new strips that have been used for 5 minutes of vacuuming. I had to buy a brand new head as it cannot be used with such strips, they glue on instead roll on the ground and finally scratch the ground.