I was concerned about buying one of these bags because the reviews said the bags were fake. Safari Gray Rose prices ranged from $137 to $230. I chose the top rated seller who sold a wallet for $147. The next day I decided to purchase this handbag through the Anuschka website for $230 to make sure I was really getting the right deal. However, I was unable to cancel my order placed with Revain, so I ended up with a dodgy handbag. The Anuschka website lists several characteristics of authentic bags: - The leather is soft, supple and has a luxurious feel. (I think so, but I'm not sure. I don't usually buy leather.) - A leather tag with the Anuschka logo is sewn onto the inner lining of the bag. (There is a leather tag but I'm not sure if it's the correct logo.) - The Anuschka logo is woven onto the lining. (Nothing is woven into the lining.) - Artwork is a great way to determine a product's authenticity. Colors should be rich and vibrant and reflect a passion for art. (Yes, the illustrations are beautiful and bright). Each original Anushka is signed by a family member. (I only see the generic "Anna" lettering - not sure if that's what they mean.) - Original bags come with the signature YKK sliders and a dust bag. (The hardware is not branded. Not sure if the beige mesh dust bag is real.) If this wallet is fake, then it is very nice. The side that I think should be the front has two pockets. : one zipper 7.5βW x 5.75βH, one open 3.5βW x 6βH. The open pocket is too high for a mobile phone. Not sure what it's for, but you can squeeze a small umbrella into this pocket. There are 7"(W) x 7.75"(H) open pockets on both sides of the wallet. They're great for a 16 ounce coffee thermos! The back of the bag is nicer than the front. It has two roses and a butterfly on it. I can choose to wear the handbag with this side out. Why couldn't they just flatten one side so it's easy to figure out how to carry the handbag? I don't want to hide anything! Inside there are two open pockets on one side and one zip pocket and one open pocket on the other side. The two open pockets are 4.25" tall, 4.5" wide, and 2.5" wide. The zippered pocket measures 7.5 inches wide and 5.5 inches tall. The third open pocket is located just below the Zippered pocket. It matches the length of the wallet which is 11" and 4.75" tall. This wallet is much larger than I expected. But better too big than too small. The Anuschka website recommends regular use of their leather protector to to preserve the artwork.I made sure to apply two coats of material before using the wallet.So far I'm happy with this purchase.I have to update my review after using this wallet for a while to say like it holds.
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