. I bought this piece and another similar one (https://www.amazon.com/Innovative-Components-AI1-2-1-5-BB3-included/dp/B00GAZQE1S/) because I wasn't sure which one I got want . .This one has a tapered tip and a T handle while the other has a 1/2 straight tip and a round handle. All parts are interchanged between two items; Grips and butts are interchangeable and the weld on the bodies is the same. The quality is excellent on both. The thread looks like plastic in the product image but is actually metal which looks like black oxide. Apart from the threads on the plastic handle, the entire product is metal and very durable. The plastic handles are secured with red Loctite, but can be removed with a little effort. A better product picture would help me to buy this product so I've included some of them here to hopefully help someone.