All my helmets fit my head perfectly but THIS helmet is way bigger than all the others. My second best helmet is also Bell and looking at their other products it seems to be a common thing. I have a big head so I order XL and I understand that some companies require you to get L or XXL but then again nothing compares to the plus size of these things. It's not extra protection either, all DOT certified helmets protect your head, the reason they are so big is because of the extra padding on the inside they have room for. I admit it's comfortable but noisy. Not the loudest helmet I have, but I can barely hear my engine. I would say not designed for highway driving. I would recommend headphones but I like to think that hearing your engine is important. You can disguise how bubble-headed this thing is by adding a hood to your jacket or wearing a hooded sweatshirt, but then again, summertime. Even their smallest size is larger than all my other helmets according to the product measurements listed on their website. Received an open packaging, hot vapor inside the helmet but in perfect condition. Unfortunately I've dropped it too many times to return it, so I'm just selling it.
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