For the past several years I have worn sneakers as everyday shoes for the comfort, cushioning and support. I decided to try these sneakers as a cheaper alternative. They have the same cushioning material as the two previous Under Armor running shoes I've worn, what's the difference? Well, a lot. First, the midsole doesn't give much in terms of cushioning and cushioning. The insole is very thin and does not support the arch of the foot. That wouldn't be a problem if the insoles weren't well glued. Finally, their lack of cushioning doesn't hold up very well on days when I'm on my feet and taking a lot of steps. For example, during a 10-15 kilometer walk in Disneyland, my legs start to hurt in the evening. These shoes are only designed for short errands or inactive days. My last resort is to use a heat gun, pull out the original insoles and replace them with something with more support and cushioning.
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