There was a major disaster at my house (brother left the hot tub upstairs and fell asleep causing the house to flood for 7 hours) which resulted in the house renovation. This room was ALWAYS very dark, so I figured since I had no ceiling or walls, now was the perfect time to turn on the lights. I bought these lights hoping they would look and work the same as any cannon light and I'm even more impressed than I thought. They are very bright but the color is adjustable. I have them in the middle. While they are dimmable, the best part in my opinion is that they are the thickness of drywall. That means if there's a bolt right where you want to install it, then you can! I have 6 lights in this room right now, 2 right under the shelves and you CANNOT see it. Ideal! I am very happy! You do need power for the control boxes, but it's pretty easy and the connections are sleek. Each device has 2 pairs of wired inputs so you can daisy chain them together. super easy!