I use this to move files between computers. When connected to my Mac via USB-C Computer SPOD for an extended period of time. A few minutes ago it took me over three minutes to copy two files totaling 60*kilobytes* to the hard drive and over a minute to copy those two files back from the hard drive to another computer. I don't get any errors. general; it's just staggeringly slow - by far the slowest device I've come across. In contrast, 3.5-inch floppy disks and around 2000 USB drives seem lightning fast. It's getting damn hot too. Disconnecting from the mains is physically painful because the metal casing burns down to the foundations after just one or two minutes of use. All of these problems only appear on the USB-C side. The USB 3.1 side works great. IMO, this product is not worth buying unless you are just using the legacy USB connector.
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