Faster means data is transferred to the computer faster. Everyone needs at least one SD to USB adapter. And with the included free SD-to-USB adapter, you can access SD cards on modern PCs without SD ports. I usually erase very little from my camera's memory. So when the storage is full, I mark the delete date and save it as another backup. Then I put a new SD card in the camera. Normally the memory stays in the camera until it is about 75% full, after which the images are downloaded from the camera to the computer. Once I'm 75% full, it's time to swap out the memory. If your camera has plenty of storage space, you can view photos that were taken on the camera a long time ago without needing a computer or mobile phone to view them. While cellphone cameras are handy, for a true photographer, the best ones don't compare to a dedicated camera with lots of storage.
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