If you just want to cover your car then that's fine. But that's not what I needed for my BMW retro M X5, which has been completely restored bottom, inside and out. The main problem I've been looking for applies to most $50-$100 cases sewn with layers of material offshore where the texture is quite dense COTTON but a thin "cotton-like" material is that isn't dense enough for what I need. Now I had to worry about small scratches. It's okay to protect yourself from the sun and rain; and for this money it is. I initially gave it three stars but upgraded it to four because the customer service was excellent on my return and they understood my needs. What I needed was four times the price of an original BMW cover that weighs many times that. I don't worry it will ever scratch my black paint and the BMW cover is custom made and fits my X5 perfectly. I'm making a 10mm cable and $35 locks that I build into a realistic deterrent so it stays in place even if I never park my car outside except when I'm driving. In terms of value for money, this is a good cover and the seller cares about customer satisfaction. But for me only the original BMW cover provides the density, weight and softness I need. you get what you pay for; and for the price it's value for money for 95% of SUVs.