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United Kingdom
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765 Review
50 Karma

Review on 🏎️ Mickey Roadster Racers Junior Cruiser SEO-Optimized by Luckie Davidson

Revainrating 1 out of 5

Not good for tricycles, scooters and vans

I bought this for my grandson who is 6 and his front wheel doesn't roll either. The bike looks like it's too light, it needs some weight, it's very empty inside so he struggled to get the bike to work. The backrest of the seat also keeps coming loose. The light on the steering wheel comes on intermittently when pedaling. After assembling the bike, the handles appear to be dangling. The bike looks very small so I would say it would be bigger for a 3 and 4 year old. i give it back Because my grandson doesn't like it, he has difficulty pedaling because the front wheel doesn't roll when he pedals. I'd rather pay a little more and get something that lasts longer.

  • Nice packaging
  • Damaged