Not a bad chisel, especially for the price. But don't expect it to be spicy straight away. It has been sanded to a point but the tip has severe sand scratches and is not sharp at all. I tried using it straight out of the box but it didn't even hit me with a hammer. A flathead screwdriver would work just as they say, once sharpened and polished it works great. It holds the edge very well and appears to be quite durable. Just note that you need to sharpen the edge when you get it. What I did was place a piece of 320 grit sandpaper on a flat surface and run the chisel across the sandpaper until it was smooth and had removed any heavy sanding marks. from manufacturer. Then switch to a higher grit, e.g. B. 600-800 and repeat the process. Then repeat this process one last time on a piece of 1000 grit paper, or even better, a piece of leather. Old leather belt works great. After a good grind and polish it looks like a great chisel and I'll probably buy them in other sizes as well.