Over the years I have used many types of speaker wire for various audio projects. This is probably the nicest wire I've ever used. Let's start with the shielding - the outer shell was smooth and strong. I think I used 16 AWG on the wire cutters for a clean cut on the outer screen. Ideal for pulling cables over long distances. It seemed to miss something that reached above my ceiling. The inner conductors are also shielded (14 AWG for a clean cut) - this gives me confidence that if something catches the conductor, there won't be a short in the ceiling. Wire gauge was very good (ACTUALLY 12 AWG copper, without shielding!). The individual conductors were essential. The coating had a durable copper color with no signs of corrosion. As the title suggests, the electrician was impressed (yes I asked for help but it was a lot of work installing outside speakers). He questioned the need for such a strong wire and suggested that I should pay big bucks for it. I absolutely love this product and will be buying again for future audio projects! He questioned the need for such a strong wire and suggested that I should pay big bucks for it. I absolutely love this product and will be buying again for future audio projects! He questioned the need for such a strong wire and suggested that I should pay big bucks for it. I absolutely love this product and will be buying again for future audio projects!
👜 BAGSMART Электронный органайзер: путешествуйте с элегантностью с универсальным органайзером кабелей для электронных аксессуаров - серый
3 Review
🔌 Сумка-органайзер для проводов: удобный для путешествий органайзер для маленьких электронных аксессуаров - прочный, портативный и стильный в сером цвете
5 Review
👜 BAGSMART Электронный органайзер-сумка - органайзер для кабелей при путешествии для жестких дисков, зарядного устройства, телефона, кабелей, USB и SD-карт - голубой (женская маленькая)
4 Review
Сумка-органайзер BAGSMART для мелких предметов электроники: жесткие диски, кабели, USB, SD-карты - черного цвета.
3 Review