This is the correct motor and it will work. My old engine was over 40 years old before it stopped working, but it started to weaken at least 10 years ago. The new motor is so much more powerful that it works noticeably better. However, it is louder. I'll have to double check the mount to make sure everything is tight and the grommets are in place. If all looks good I might run a new power wire to connect the fan to my own dimmer switch so I can run it at full speed. It is now part of the light and is always running at full blast and whenever the light is on. Given the noise (which is understandable) if I can't mute it a separate dimmer would be nice. I don't ALWAYS need the fan to run when the lights are on, and I don't always need it to run at full blast, but when it does, it WORKS. In an exhaust vent outside my home, I can feel the air coming out through the vent, which is impressive. This fan moves a lot of air. I didn't realize how worn my old fan was until I replaced the motor with this new one.