I was so happy to find them! For this price I didn't expect much. I love gel pens and use a lot of Sakura brands. It's great and a lot cheaper! Colors are great, opacity is great. I've even layered colors, like adding sparkles over neon. The ink flows smoothly. These pens haven't dried out (I live in the southwestern desert!) I use them every day in my journal. The ink is also durable. The pastels have not dried out or rubbed off (which can happen). When filling in large areas the neon can scratch a bit, just like the more expensive brands (I compared this to my Sakura brand and it's the same). I highly recommend them. I've also found that I can mix them with glitter and metallic pens by blending the ink while it's still wet.
🖊️ Ручки для записей TWOHANDS - тонкие маркеры с 24 цветами для письма, раскрашивания и рисования в журналах, планерах и многое другое!
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