How many times have you lost a critical electrical connection? This "treatment" - I know "treatment" is a strong word, but it comes as close as possible to what DeoxIT does for me. For example, I have a Roomba - sometimes it charges, sometimes it doesn't. I cleaned the contacts and applied DeoxIT and wow - it charges every time. I now use some DeoxIT on both ends of every battery I install, especially in remote controls. How many times has the remote stopped working, and when have I checked the batteries (using my very trusty old-school Radio Shack battery tester) and found that the batteries still had plenty of juice, but the contacts were dirty, corroded, or what caused it? Now, after using DeoxIT, if the remote control stops working - the battery is really low! What about the 110 volt stuff - I've put DeoxIT on the leading edges of all my power cords - they're suddenly sliding in and out of dirty old wall outlets and one outlet where you have to bend the tab a little to make a better contact create just works every time. very, very careful: dielectric means an insulating material or a VERY POOR conductor of electric current. If you want to improve electrical conductivity, the last thing you need is a dielectric. An amazing thing - too bad I didn't find it 40 years ago.