I bought these specifically to replace the weak shoulder buttons on my Xbox One with a 3.5 jack controller because mine ended up breaking. The old pre-3.5 controller shoulder buttons were of much better quality and never broke. Newer versions are attached with a ridiculously thin piece of plastic that, if broken, doesn't work at all unless you glue it very carefully and wrap it with duct tape. Which I ended up having to do because the shoulder buttons that came with this set fit but literally can't be pushed in because they are a bit too big to fit the berth areas to allow that little plastic piece to flex and push the inner button . It was a game considering how cheap they are and I lost. But at least I still have some special tools for removing special screws for controllers and some new wands that I used. Everything else was almost useless. The picture shows the difference between the two controllers (left). Notice how the Rb and Lb buttons (on either side of the house) face up on older controllers with separate Rb and Lb buttons. (right side) is a new 3.5 design with a cheap one-piece knob design that breaks easily. Notice that the button pins are now pointing down because the buttons are now designed to simply bend and push those pins. This is the part that this product is useless for. They fit too tight and the plastic connector is too short to flex enough to press the contact. so useless But if all you need is new sticks and some screwdrivers/spreading tools, go for it. If you need knobs, waste your money and look elsewhere.