I ordered this raincoat for my daughter (color blue) size 2t-3t, she is 16 months now and it fits her a bit big as I expected BUT! It has great elastic cuffs at the bottom of those legs and sleeves so I can easily turn them inside out and it's perfect for us! I expect this suit to last us at least 2-3 years. It's light weight, easy to put on and take off, nothing bothers you, maybe the hood is a bit big for her now but it will fit her soon, it's small but still works great! It's easy to put in a diaper bag and carry around, it only has 1 layer of material, just like a regular wet bag, You can always take it to play on the wet beach or walk in the rain, your baby will be nice and dry. We tested it in small puddles, she landed on her ass right in the middle. The back of this material is visible in the photo of the cuff I took, I pinned each sleeve once or twice about 2cm each time to make them shorter and stopped just before those reflective strips (which are also good by the way are). I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! It landed right in her middle on her ass. The back of this material is visible in the photo of the cuff I took, I pinned each sleeve once or twice about 2cm each time to make them shorter and stopped just before those reflective strips (which are also good by the way are). I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this suit and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope, this will help you choose the right item for your little one! I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! It landed right in her middle on her ass. The back of this material is visible in the photo of the cuff I took, I pinned each sleeve once or twice about 2cm each time to make them shorter and stopped just before those reflective strips (which are also good by the way are). I love this suit and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this suit and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! The back of this material is visible in the photo of the cuff I took, I pinned each sleeve once or twice about 2cm each time to make them shorter and stopped just before those reflective strips (which are also good by the way are). I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! The back of this material is visible in the photo of the cuff I took, I pinned each sleeve once or twice about 2cm each time to make them shorter and stopped just before those reflective strips (which are also good by the way are). I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope, this will help you choose the right item for your little one! I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! To make them shorter, I stopped short of these reflective strips (which are good too, by the way). I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this suit and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this suit and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope, this will help you choose the right item for your little one! To make them shorter, I stopped short of these reflective strips (which are good too, by the way). I love this suit and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this suit and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this suit and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope, this will help you choose the right item for your little one! I love this costume and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this suit and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this suit and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! this will help you choose the right item for your little one! I love this suit and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this suit and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! this will help you choose the right item for your little one! I love this suit and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one! I love this suit and have ordered a second one for my 3 year old. nephew (next size). I hope this helps you choose the right item for your little one!
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