Read the descriptions carefully. Note that some sellers will sell two of these items for the same price as others who will only ship one. They are all exactly the same despite the slight differences that can be seen in the photos. I know this because it happened to me. They are all made by the same Chinese company. If you want to try such a cheap novelty, look for the cheapest one.
Filter under the sink Aquaphor Favorit ECO silver
20 Review
NANPU Air Drying System With Double Filters And Pressure Regulator Combo For Clean And Controlled Air Supply
18 Review
NANPU 3/8" NPT Compressed Air Filter Regulator Combo Piggyback, 5 Micron Brass Element, Poly Bowl, Semi-Auto Drain, Metal Bracket, 0-150 Psi Gauge
26 Review
NANPU DFR-02 1/4" NPT Air Drying System - Double Air Filters, Air Pressure Regulator Combo - Semi-Auto Drain, Poly Bowl
20 Review