The ability to integrate with MailChimp to allow ease of transferring emails from one system into another for automatic processing is great! It makes life so much easier if your business has employees that aren't familiar with working in mails (ie myself!).
I wish it was possible when creating an automatic response to be able set up what day/time should receive each answer so they don’t all come at once or over several days!! But other than this minor thing everything works very smoothly! If someone sends me an enquiry via moosemail then i am automatically directed straight through to their customer portal where we are now doing live chats & virtual meetings which saves having to make time out just for these things! The tool is very easy to use with its drag & drop editor which makes it so much easier for customers looking for solutions when compared to other tools out there in this space. It's not that difficult but sometimes we have problems uploading images or videos from certain devices (Ipad/Android). I would highly recommend trying it out! We had been using MailChimp before switching over to moosend and found their service more expensive than what one gets provided by Moosehend.