This bag is beautiful. I looks so professional but still has a pop of color. The strap is long, I'm a BBW and I can still sling this bag across my chest and not feel like I"m choking. The long shoulder strap is heavy duty made and it has a movable shoulder cushion so you can adjust it to where you feel the most weight. For it's small size it fits a lot of items. I purchased the one for a 10" tablet and I'v filled it up with quite a bit of item and it isn't bulky at all. Here is a list of items in my bag, below you can see the items in the photo. I did have to purchase a small camera case and attach it to the handle to carry the mouse, extra batteries & ipod cord but if I take my ipods out of the bag I could eliminate the extra case. I especially LOVE the padded inside and feel my precious electronics are very well protected. This is the main reason I chose this bag and it has been well worth every penny. The bag is also very easy to wipe clean because of the material. I would recommend this bag.Main pocket:10" tablet in caseWireless keyboardFront pocket:Ipod Classic (the HUGE one)ipod shuffleextra battery pack to charge electronics in it's bag3 chargers and cordsbluetooth headphonesusbpenstylusBack pocket:mouse paduser manuals for electronics in bag
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