I'm not a runner but I use these shoes for hiking. I used to wear hiking boots, which were always very uncomfortable for me. These shoes are amazing. And beautiful too. Colors don't turn out as pretty when they get dirty, but it balances the satisfaction of being reminded of a good hike. Compared to the hiking shoes I've worn in the past they feel less supportive but just as much or more grippy and much more maneuverable. I can feel the ground beneath me and respond appropriately to the terrain, and can get my toe into hard-to-reach places during climbing maneuvers. It can be a bit uncomfortable on rocky ground, but you get used to it after a while. This shoe is also good for very difficult terrain. I've used it on Breakneck Ridge and other trails in the Hudson Highlands and other hikes. In terms of durability it holds up well after 6 months and a few hikes, but I usually only do a few hikes a year so it's tough. to say how it would feel for someone who hikes every week. I don't typically use it for everyday use as it's not exactly comfortable for that type of use, although I would consider it for a long day around town or in a city park. Please note the Saucony is a bit tight, I usually wear a 9.5 but in this case 10 is spot on. I knew I should order 10 because I have other Saucony shoes in the same size.
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